Princeton Heights Neighborhood
The neighborhood boundaries are defined as Hampton Boulevard on the East, Eichelberger on the North, Christy Boulevard on the East, and Gravois on the South.
Princeton Heights received its name from the old Princeton Creamery on Kingshighway Boulevard near Gravois, which in the past sold milk in glass jars. Previous to its incorporation to St. Louis City, the Princeton Heights neighborhood was known as Gardenville. At the turn of the century, this area was primarily an agricultural community.
Useful Contacts
- Tom Oldenburg, Ward 02
- Joseph Vollmer, Ward 05
Neighborhood Improvement Specialists
Citizens' Service Bureau
Community Sites
Dec 19
Hearings regarding the approval of a Liquor/Beer Application, including outside seating
9:00 AM Meeting
Princeton Heights Data
Permits Issued
Home Sales
Sale Values
Parks in Princeton Heights
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